Safety third wfa simulator
When tasked with a group project that had to revolve around personal safety in some way, I came up with the idea to redesign methods of Wilderness First Aid retention methods, and with my group mates enthusiastic approval, we decided to go forward with it. Having competed Wilderness First Aid training the previous summer, I was familiar with what was successful in the training (as well as the content itself). I also knew that unless one revisits the information you learned often, the knowledge goes away, hence the need for engaging ways to retain WFA training. My group mates and I each took responsibility for a different chunk of our project: I was responsible for a prototype of a training simulator that mimics a First Aid Scenario that one might encounter in their WFA training, as well as designing the logo. On this webpage, you will find a process book that goes into detail of each part of the project our group created, as well as a link to the prototype I created. Feel free to try it out, regardless of First Aid knowledge!
Project length: 7 weeks
Medium: Adobe XD, Photoshop