Bear clawk prototype
I was given a prompt to design an alarm clock app that solved an unaddressed user need. I chose to go with a personal gripe; since my alarm is on my phone, I often find myself opening Instagram first thing. Then I lose track of time because there's no secondary alarm that forces me to get up and start my day. Bear Clawk provides that secondary alarm through locking down the phone a set amount of time after the first alarm goes off. The user can chooses a bear avatar to act as their alarm. Each avatar either has a "Sweet as Honey" personality, which constitutes of a gentler, more complimentary wake up, or a "Rough n' Tough" personality, which is unforgiving and a touch snarky. I have included some of my earlier process, including a user journey and sketched/low fidelity wireframes, as well as the prototype for you to explore if you wish!
Project length: 5 weeks
Medium: Adobe XD, Illustrator